Monday, December 17, 2012

Salem Book Club Selection

Book Club The December Book Club met on the 4th and the next meeting will be on January 8th because of the New Years holiday. For this meeting we are to read any book or look at any movie with the theme of “By Foot or by Hoof: Pilgrimages and Journeys of the Spirit”. The last meeting was very lively with most of the members reading “ Boomerang” by Michael Lewis. In this book he looks at the economic madness of several countries including the United States. Other countries that he visited and wrote about were Iceland , Greece, Germany and Ireland. One of the members had visited Iceland many times and told us about the negative changes she had seen in Iceland over the years. Most members felt the book was excellent in spite of the topic. Mr. Lewis had a way of making this topic both enjoyable and humorous even though at times it was difficult reading. The other book that members could choose to read was “ In the Sea There Were Crocodiles” by Fabia Geda. This is a fictionalized account of a real young boy who was taken to Pakistan and left there by his mother because she felt that if he stayed in Afghanistan he would be either killed or made a slave because of his ethnic background. The author interviewed the boy but didn’t feel that he had enough accurate information for the book to be non-fiction It is a story about his trip through Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Greece before he arrived in Italy at age 15 where he now lives. The book was an eye opening account about what it is like to live in that part of the world and what some of the children do there to survive there. We hope to see you on January 8th at 11AM in the Historical Room at the library. The library is not open at that time so you can come in through the Village Office. December 14,2012

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