Friday, November 30, 2012

Book Club for November

At our November meeting Beth Davidson photographed us for the Blog!
And had us sign a square for a quilt.

We had all read books by Daphne du Maurier. One person who was familiar
with her novels, reread "Rebecca" and said she thinks it is by far her
best work! Two members read "My Cousin Rachel", which led to a
disussion of evil women , as often portrayed in the author's work.
One person, who said she doesn't care for romantic novels turned to "The
House on the Strand" and really enjoyed it. The plot is about a man
who takes mind altering drugs as an experiment , and is transported to
an earlier time in history.

Also discussed was a book by George DuMaurier (unearthed by a member on
her own shelf) who was discovered to be Daphe's grandfather!!

For December we'll be reading "Boomerang" by Michael Lewis or "In
the Sea there are Crocodiles" by Fabio Geda. One about the
financial crash of 2008 and the other a novel about a woman trying to
save her son from the violence of war.

New Members always welcome!

Margery Robertiello

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